How to set up a breeding tank
The OZ Discus team explains how to set up your Discus breeding tank so that your fish have an ideal and safe breeding environment.
- Breeding tank
- Breeding pair of Discus
- Filters
- Breeding cone
- Marine pure block

At OZ Discus, we use a 140L tank for our breeding pairs.
Filter placement

Where you place your filters is key to creating a safe and welcoming environment for your breeding pairs.
Make sure you place your filter near the top of the tank to create surface agitation.
You also want to place your filters far away from the breeding cone to reduce water movement. If there is too much water movement, the male Discus will not be able to fertilise the eggs.
Water movement

Ideally, you want less water movement from mid tank downwards. This will allow the female Discus to lay her eggs on the breeding cone and the male Discus to fertilise the eggs easily.
Placing a marine pure block in the tank will help to keep the water stable.
Disclaimer: This is a guide only. OZ Discus is not liable for any losses and holds no responsibility in the event of the death of the fish. Users of this guide are to use the information at their own discretion and accept all risks resulting from the use of this guide.
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