OZ Discus Live Fish
OZ Discus Fish are imported from the highest quality World Renowned, German and Malaysian Breeders. This means that you have the best quality when starting your Discus journey.
Most of our Discus are personally hand-picked by farm owners to ensure they are young, of a high standard, and optimum for breeding.
Most Popular Discus
Coming Soon
These are fish we have on order with our farms awaiting to arrive into Quarantine. Preorders are open, however, we anticipate these fish to arrive within 3-5 weeks into store. At OZ Discus, we receive 1-2 new shipments of 600-1000 Discus every month.
New Release
These fish have just been released into store. We receive between 1-2 imports a month of 600-1000 new Discus.
Discus on Sale
Although our prices on imported Discus are very reasonable, from time to time we have great deals (shown in %$ off) so you can SAVE also with your purchase your premium Pet Discus. Our stock can move very quickly, the Discus shown are only available while limited stock lasts.